I've seen many beautiful views and nature scenes around the world. there are more beautiful deserts than what Iran has, there are more spectacular Jungles, Sea sides or mountains in the world. but Iran has something that distinguishes it from others: it has all these together! I don't think more than 30 countries in the world have the same advantage of serving their visitors simultaneously with Ski fields, high mountains covered by snow and ice 12 months, crowded Jungles with all seasons fog, sea shores and diving areas, deserts and wild rivers! did I mentioned the lakes (salty and sweat) ?! :)
on the Iranian new year's holidays (Nowrouz, 10 April) I traveled to north of Iran, Gilan province. below you see some pictures of fabulous sceneries in Amlash, Chamkhaleh and city of Langeroud:
these virgin places can be a very spectacular holiday destination for those who love to travel to Iran. the only problem is lack of professional touristic facilities like 4 or 5 star hotels and public transportation! you need to rent a car with a good driver who knows the region.