Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Considering Websites as Intellectual Properties, we have to bring some more issues into account for owning a virtual business. I mean you need to be aware of more items in owning a virtual business than if it was in the real world. Or maybe, we have to say different issues if it's not more in quantity.
for example, owning the domain name, getting a unique interface in to design and keep attention in omitting things violating piracy, are some examples.
owning the domain name is a term that I've been engaged with several times. Especially when your partner or consumer has a little knowledge about the websphere and its regulations. These kind of people usually do not trust if you simply Change the whois information and handing the control panel password. In such cases, I recommend you to ask him/her to open a fully new account in a registrar and order a domain transfer.

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